Request Bike Lanes Broadway

Over 800 people have now signed the online or paper petition! We will give the city officials email inboxes a break, but we will continue collecting signatures. We’ll present the signatures along with a resolution of support at the next public meeting. You can donate through our fundraiser.

I support a bikeway with a physical protective barrier along the full 3-mile length of the Broadway Street Bond Project. Broadway is a major cyclist corridor, and we need this route to be safe for the 8 to 80 year olds. It’s the most requested project from cyclists. People driving can use the freeway or New Braunfels. Google maps distributes autos automatically, so traffic won’t back up, especially with self-driving cars in the future. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase San Antonio as a city of the future, a city that cares about the safety/needs of its citizens, and a city that understands more bikes on the road is a good thing.

53% of people would like to bike more but are concerned about their safety from car traffic. Bike lanes not only benefit the individual, but also businesses. In New York City, the addition of a protected bike lane on two major streets led to “a 50%

increase in sales receipts.” When a new protected bike lane was installed on Broadway in Salt Lake City, sales on the street rose 8.8%, in spite of the fact that the bike lanes decreased on-street parking by 30%. Surveys of business owners along the street showed that a majority of them felt that the change was positive (People for Bikes).

The current design calls for the bikeway to divert to Avenue B, but most cyclists say this route is inefficient, slower and more cumbersome. San Antonio has the lowest walk/bike scores among large cities, and is the 6th most obese. It’s time for San Antonio to show it’s serious about improving air quality and the well-being of its residents.

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Supporters of the Bikeway

Local Non-Profit

Broadway St. Business

Governmental Org

Bicycle Business

Bicycle Business

Supporting Business

Local Non-Profit

Local Business

Broadway St. Business

Broadway St. Business

Local Non-Profit

Local Non-Profit

Local Non-Profit

Local Non-Profit

Broadway St. Business

Broadway St. Business

Broadway St. Business

Broadway St. Business

Supporting Business

Local Non-Profit